staff ID badge
staff ID badge
EEO is accepted by all staff and sub vendors (whenever possible) providing service on any job site.
EEO information is noted on the back side of ID badge. After reviewing, all staff must sign their badge.
Customer satisfaction, quality service and our company reputation is #1 priority.
When asked a question from the client, venue or other vendor, I will have the answer or find the answer.
I will not use foul or inappropriate language with any person I come in contact with.
Safety first, I will do my best to avoid any mishaps and report foreseeable problems to my supervisor.
I am aware of loading procedure, location, route and path to use.
I will offer my assistance to the client with help for any concerns (time permitting).
I will offer the use of our material handlers without posing delay to our job responsibilities.
I will report to crew leader any suspicious or out of place activity from fellow colleagues.
I have been advised of the restroom access and location.
I will only take smoke breaks/breaks in permissible locations and times.
I will be kind, courteous and polite to all involved.
I will be flexible with all vendors involved to avoid delay in any way.
I will offer other vendors assistance if it will prevent delay or speed process (time permitting).
I will use and operate only tools and equipment to their specifications and training.
I am aware that the client has been shown this agreement and told that my signature on the front of my badge is my acceptance and acknowledgment of it.